As of this writing in the US and Canada, there are exactly 238 "Daylight Saving Time" days per year, and 127 "Standard Time" days per year. We change our local clocks twice a year, in March and November.
Very early or very late sunrises mess up a lot of people, as does the clock change. Many people in the US would like to both eliminate the clock changes and shift their time zone.
People in the areas that have very late sunrises effectively want to shift the timezone boundary to the west. This includes states like Michigan, Indiana, and Georgia, which are inadvertently in the Eastern Time Zone. Instead, many people in these states would greatly prefer to follow the clock of the Central time zone.
Similarly, many people in the areas that have very early sunrises would want to shift their timezone boundry to the east. This includes the Northeast, which could move to the Atlantic time zone.
Many states have already voted for these changes, but it takes an act of congress to approve and implement the changes.
In the mean time, just wake up at the time when you want to wake up. If your employer or school doesn't change suit, put pressure on them to do so.