We all read the ads and have seen "reviews" about Internet service provider costs and performance, but it is 99.99% advertising and affiliate link disinformation. The Speed You Need Most people think they need a gigabit download performance for great Internet performance. This is nonsense. Most people are restricted by upload speeds, not download speeds. Why? Because upload speed is almost always the bottleneck. Some examples of where upload speed is critical: Zoom and other video calling technology VoIP telephone calling Online real-time gaming Some examples where download speed is just not important The number of devices you own Streaming video Streaming audio All these technologies have a need for timely packet delivery, and with upload speeds being relatively slow, this is where nearly 100% of bottlenecks occur. If your video call or game isn't behaving well, you've almost certainly saturated your Upload performance. So let's take a look at the Comcast ...
Useful and Useless Ideas from Lance J.